
A few weeks ago, I asked how you come up with your resolutions, if you use them at all.

Today’s topic is to make a list of possible resolutions you might consider for next year.

I wrote a post years ago based on research into successful resolutions which can help you think differently about how to approach this task. Here’s some advice I learned:

  1. Pick one resolution, or one more than you completed last year. Your odds of staying focused improve.
  2. Look at last years list and evaluate where you failed. Too ambitious? Where did you give up? Use this self-knowledge to inform this year’s resolutions.
  3. Break any resolution into monthly goals so you have short term focus.
  4. Find a friend who can sign up to the same goal. We are social creatures, and our goals should be social.
  5. Write down the resolution and sign it. Writing has power.
  6. Put your written resolution somewhere useful (e.g. in front of the fridge)
  7. Have a daily positive task – mark off a day on a calendar every day you’ve met your resolution. You get a positive visual reminder you’re on your way.
  8. Divide further: simply make a resolution for January, and re-evaluate on Feb 1st.

As I said before, my big resolution is to get into my manuscript once more. It is something I have been hoping to do for months, or even years, really – but I have avoided the endeavor to the point that is has almost become a phobia.

I think that these suggestions all sound quite helpful, and I plan to put them to use in the weeks to come. Except I don’t know anyone else who is working on a book, so I don’t know about the buddy-system bit. But setting goals and dividing the year into more manageable portions will be a fun way to get started.

Thanks, as always WordPress!


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